Saturday, December 22, 2007

Kosmix vs Google

ur philosophy has always been that there is nothing that cannot be improved or enhanced. Sellsius is applying this philosophy in Real Estate with our “Niche Search”. We have always found the “needle in the haystack” approach to Real Estate search to be too cumbersome. Seems like Kosmix is on a similar wavelength. They seek to improve search on the Web by using categories to rank pages instead of keywords.

Here’s a fascinating article from Silicon Beat, posted by Matt Marshall, on this promising startup, now in Alpha.

If there’s anyone itching to take on Google, it is the two Indian guys who went to Stanford with Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Meet Anand Rajaraman and Venky Harinarayan, two of the co-founders at Junglee, and who twice seriously considered acquiring Google in its early days, but decided their friend Brin was too bold, if not arrogant, to deal with.

Now they plan to officially launch an ambitious search engine company, Kosmix at the Demo conference to begin the week of Feb 6 in Phoenix. They’ve also raised $7.4 million in venture capital.
They are making an audaciously risky bet that they can crack the code on a vexing problem in search: finding the meaning, or at least the topic of a Web page. “This is an unsolved problem on the Web,” says Harinarayan, from his office perched on the seventh floor of a Mountain View high-rise. His window commands a sweeping view of the valley, stretching out over toward the Googleplex, just three miles away.

It’s as though Harinarayan is still keeping a eagle eye on his erstwhile Stanford buddies.

More later on the friendly but competitive relationship with the Google guys. For now, Kosmix is betting its deep technology can help improve upon Google’s one-size-fits-all approach for many types of searches. Google may work well when you’re looking for a specific answer. But what if there’s no one right answer? This is where Kosmix wants to help you, by searching the entire web and narrowing the results to the particular area you are interested in — and then giving you a choice of answers.

Kosmix isn’t the first to latest to help users search by topic. You’ve got things like for shopping. You’ve got got Mobissimo for travel, Trulia for real estate and Healthline for health, and so on.

But Rajaraman and Harinarayan claim most of these other sites crawling only 500 or so Web sites relevant to their niches. Kosmix, like Google and Yahoo, is crawling and indexing the entire Web. It has come up with its own technology to rank pages by category, instead of by keyword.

Let’s take an example Harinarayan gave us. Say you are suffering from ACL, a common knee injury prevalent among skiers. Type in “ACL” into Google, and you get mostly irrelevant pages. Try narrowing your search by typing “ACL knee” and you still get quirky results like one from www.financeprofessor. You might eventually find some good pages, but you’re often at a loss for what else is out there on your topic.

So type in ACL into Kosmix’s health engine, and you’ll get relevant pages straight off, but also a helpful categorization of results along the left-hand column, for example: “definition,” “causes,” “treatments,” and “blogs” and “message boards.” Harinarayan doesn’t mind boasting: “What you can get with five minutes at this site, is a hundred times what you can get at Google.” It even provides a category for alternative medicine. Harinarayan remarks: “You wouldn’t even know to ask about that at Google.”

To organize its results, Kosmix doesn’t use pagerank — or popularity, based on the number links to a page. Kosmix decided pagerank is inefficient when it comes to categories. “There is no affinity to topic, when you are ranking by raw popularity,” says Harinarayan.

Instead, Kosmix looks at what pages that link to other pages are saying — to take a bigger stab at judging the meaning or subject of the page. If the linking page is saying something similar to the page it links to, you can begin getting at its meaning, or at least muster up enough information to categorize it by topic. Harinarayan calls it “category rank.” Kosmix is essentially tagging pages with categories. “Auto-tagging the Web,” as Harinarayan puts it.

Kosmix has started with a health search, but will soon roll out travel and politics search, and will follow with a rolling thunder of scores of other types of searches, Harinarayan says.

This is not lightweight stuff. They have filed patents, and there’s tons of math in their algorithms, Harinarayan says. They’ve hired 20 people, including PhDs from Stanford, experts from IBM Almaden, and their chief technology officer and vice president of biz development both come from Yahoo. They’ve been working away for about a year.

They’ve raised $7.4M from Lightspeed Venture Partners and Cambrian, which is their own venture firm. They had an earlier seed round of $700K, which includes money from Amazon’s chief executive, Jeff Bezos.

(Update: Business model? Same as Google. Kosmix will run ads along the right-hand side, which it will start running more actively after the launch at Demo. Right now, it is running Google adwords.)

Harinarayan concedes Kosmix doesn’t have all the answers. “We’ve taken the first real leap at solving this problem,” he said. “We haven’t solved it entirely.” And there’s the conundrum of figuring out how to present all the “flavored” search options to users, once Kosmix rolls them out over the next few months, Harinarayan says.

It has been a twisting road for this duo, and the Google guys have always been there to taunt them. As we reported once before, Harinarayan shared an office with Brin while at Stanford, and remembers thinking he was one of the smartest guys at Stanford. Early on, Rajaraman’s cubicle in the common study area, known as the ”Zoo,” was next to Brin’s. In 1994, Rajaraman proudly told Brin he’d acquired a new computer with the latest version of Microsoft Windows. Brin said Microsoft was ”lame,” went over to Rajaraman’s apartment and installed Linux — a free open-source operating system then almost unheard of — on his computer.

Brin even took on Rajaraman’s practice of eating vegetarian, a family tradition. One evening, Brin went over to Rajaraman’s apartment, baked a fish in his oven, and served it to him with some lemon. Rajaraman ate it.

And the tough thing is, Brin was the young guy, the whippersnapper: “The joke was, we couldn’t go to bars with him, he was underage,” Harinarayan recalled during an interview a few years ago.

But the thing that may really stick in the Kosmix guys’ craw is how they almost merged with the Google guys in the early days. Rajaraman and Harinarayan were co-founders of Junglee, an early Web database company, and the Junglee guys were considered role models — they were the first in their Stanford department to launch an Internet company.

Harinarayan once mused to us: “I wish weĆ¢€™d gotten Sergey into Junglee.” It was close. They’d wanted to approach Sergey Brin, who was in early days forming Google with Page, and considered talks to acquire Google. Their advisor, Jeff Ullman, a professor at Stanford, had suggested it. But they ever got very far because Brin was so brashly confident.

But they got their opportunity again when the Junglee guys, having been acquired by Amazon, came down in 1999 to talk more seriously with Google about an acquisition.

Rajaraman recalls how Google was still not very big, employing only around 50 people: “And we kind of asked, at that point, ‘Sergey, if Amazon were to buy you guys, what sort of price would you sell for?” I remember Sergey telling me: ‘The only kind of price we’d accept would be something with ten digits [billions].’ If he’d said nine digits, we might have talked.”


Anyway, after Amazon, the Rajaraman and Harinarayan raised a small venture capital fund in 2000, and invested in several companies from their Mountain View office. They scored at leat one big hit with Neoteris, and have several others remaining in their portfolio — which they continue to manage. But after investing most of that first fund, they’ve decided not to raise another one, having been bitten by the bug last year to launch Kosmix, Harinarayan explained.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007




O' queen of eden
love me if you can
fabricated by soul of blossoms
fragnant me if you can

Toxic are ur eyes
allow me to dive if you can
Divine is ur soul
make me feel if you can

I'm love-lorn by endless span of time
quench me if you can
O' queen of eden
love me if you can

Thursday, June 21, 2007